This project has been sitting on the shelf for far too long. Motion Notion 2011 was bitter sweet for Sons of Aurora as it was the first performance that had one of the two partners missing. Norris Lam now resides across the pond and as a result Darvin Knorr has taken up the project while performing. Motion Notion 2011 was also that last year at it's Alberta location, and after so many great memories it was hard to say goodbye to such a beautiful site for music under the stars.
This mix was a real treat to do, each track is a sonic gem and the set as a whole is a one way ticket to the inner journey that only Psytrance can take you on.
Don't listen to this mix while you are distracted, don't listen to this mix on shitty speakers, and don't listen to this mix with too little time to see it through to the end. This collection of incredible tracks is mixed with love and attention to detail, from us to you!! Enjoy. =)